A voice in his head exhorted, Run, little warrior!
He all but heard his grandfather's voice exhort him.
A grossly amplified voice exhorted Richards to let the woman go.
"Turn the beat around," a voice exhorted through loudspeakers, but that beat was not going to be turned around.
As they stepped into the muddy street Torvin heard the Poet's hoarse voice exhort him, "Brother, brother, let freedom ring!"
There was a moment of unbelieving silence, then a girl began to scream and there came a babble of voices, frightened, angry, shocked, exhorting.
A degenerate male voice exhorted its hearers to give it love or let it die in peace.
His voice exhorts television viewers to buy the Pontiac Grand Prix and Pizza Hut's "Bigfoot" pizza ("a legendary value").
On the tape, the voice exhorts Iraqis to protect "heroic fighters" who have staged attacks on American and British forces, leaving at least 25 Americans dead since May 1.
There was a sudden confusion of movement out on the terrace, with shadows jerking past the open French windows, and voices calling, arguing and exhorting.