If Cormac answered, he kept his voice subdued, and I didn't hear him.
"I've been in a meeting with the sheriff and just got your message," he said, his voice subdued.
"It's possible we already did, just slightly," Pazlar said, her voice subdued.
I saw you dance Spartacus,' Michael said, his voice subdued with awe.
It just felt like a tickle, Corinthia said, her voice subdued suddenly.
"They won't have no choice, my lady," Malford explained, his voice subdued by the reality of what was about to happen.
"I think you gentlemen might want to listen to the radio," she said, her voice subdued.
I saw my father's body," he said, his voice subdued.
"I didn't know anybody had got hit," the chief torpedo said, his voice subdued.
"Of course," Hernandez said, her voice strangely subdued in its inflections.