Developing voice-activated controls for autos is a demanding task due to interference caused by wind noise and the rumble generated by rough road surfaces.
It will have voice-activated controls, forward-looking infrared equipment for night vision, and radar and sonar that will detect obstacles in fog and eliminate the driver's blind spot.
In the fourth round of the five-round match, Atom's voice-activated controls are damaged, and Atom must fight in shadow mode, copying Charlie's moves.
Jaguar Assist comes only as part of a $4,300 package that includes a navigation system, voice-activated controls, the TimePort phone (which displays a few lines of text) and four years of the service.
The computer interface has been simplified, and by using the remaining separate switches or the voice-activated controls, iDrive can be ignored most of the time.
It offers such futuristic technology as voice-activated controls, but the controls that one actually touches curve and sweep in Streamline Moderne style.
Special features of the TMC include a webpage that allows the public access to real-time traffic conditions and voice-activated controls.
If you can afford a high-end car, order one with voice-activated controls for features like the heater, air-conditioner and defroster, radio and CD player, etc.
The LaCrosse's features include voice-activated controls.
On a limited basis, voice-activated controls are in fact already being used by disabled people to perform such tasks as turning lights on and off that normally are beyond their command.