Today, investors appear to be buying the stock to get a part of a very volatile business: the movie operation.
Others wonder how risky the firm's narrow focus on a volatile business will turn out to be.
The bank also engages in a number of less volatile businesses, including money management and various operating services.
Thus investors would be asked to put up money in a relatively volatile business, whose future depends essentially on one person.
Within five years he leaped into the fledgling, volatile business of cable television, and also bought his first American team.
Still, it is a volatile business and the pace of change can be frightening.
Recruiting is a volatile business even in the best of times.
But recruiting is a volatile business in the best of times.
"This is a much more volatile business than it was five years ago," he said.
"Investors want a pure play, rather than an indirect interest in such volatile businesses."