It is essential that India and Pakistan insure that minor military clashes do not escalate into volatile confrontations.
She also blamed police procedures for creating a volatile confrontation.
Officials in Mr. Ahmed's party privately expressed fears today that the general will quickly dismiss the Parliament or not allow it to sit, creating the potential for a volatile civilian-military confrontation.
The encounter begins politely enough, but soon descends into a volatile confrontation in which misogyny, racial prejudice and homophobia all raise their ugly heads.
Both plots lead to volatile confrontations.
Republicans and Democrats also said that Judge Jones, who is strongly anti-abortion, might be too far to the right and could set off a volatile confrontation in the Senate.
Now it's Reggie Jackson, who is considering joining Yogi Berra's boycott of Yankee Stadium after a volatile confrontation with the principal owner last week.
The new administration dispatched units of soldiers and paramilitary officers to the site, setting the scene for a volatile confrontation, as Mr Zelaya's followers prepared to camp out overnight.
Ryan McGee highlighted concealed appearance of Derek Malone and Sam and Diane's first kiss and volatile confrontation with praise.
Schools Chancellor Joseph A. Fernandez's suspension of the District 24 school board sets up one of the most volatile confrontations in the 22-year history of decentralization.