It's ended up being quite a volatile electorate.
Both sides have been mapping strategy since the bitter recount of 2000, with sophisticated armies vying for the volatile electorate earlier than ever.
All this could prove evanescent, particularly with a volatile electorate increasingly disconnected from party allegiances.
"There's never been a more volatile electorate," he said.
There's a rising tide of anger among an increasingly volatile electorate.
Democrats and Republicans have been mapping strategy since the bitter recount of 2000, vying for the volatile electorate earlier than ever.
The polls suggest a volatile electorate, as a third of the voters surveyed only last week said they could change their minds before Election Day.
But with a volatile electorate and a close race, even the perception of losing ground might affect the outcome.
In New Jersey, a state with high property taxes and a volatile electorate, some representatives grow downright twitchy when discussing the issue.
But the incumbent still won a third term from New Jersey's notoriously volatile electorate.