Mr. Trautwein said the talks reminded him of a medieval alchemist stirring together disparate and volatile ingredients.
But the volatile ingredients that flowed together inside Freddy's appear to be nowhere that straightforward.
These additives adversely affect the surface tension of the soap bubble solution, and heating or boiling the stock solution and letting them "sit around" ageing drives off these volatile ingredients.
The show begins in the year of her marriage and the move to America with a pencil self-portrait that holds many of the volatile ingredients that will mark her work.
"After all, it must have been hard for her," thinks Clement Owens, a married man whose involvement with Amanda becomes one of the book's most volatile ingredients.
"Tully," an independent first feature that has picked up several film festival awards in the last two years, has many of the volatile ingredients of a Sam Shepard play.
And it is a valuable reminder at the beginning of a campaign for mayor of New York City in which race may be a volatile ingredient again.
To reduce evaporative emissions, they have removed the volatile ingredients, lowering octane ratings in the process.
The same volatile ingredients that nearly boiled over six months ago still exist.
In addition they commonly include coloring, fragrance, and/or other water-soluble, water-dispersible, and/or volatile ingredients for esthetic, cosmetic, or skin soothing purposes.