Column collapse is one of the most common and dangerous volcanic hazards in a plinian eruption.
Proximal volcanic hazards pose a significant threat to the life near Gareloi.
The Program also issues warnings of potential volcanic hazards to responsible emergency-management authorities and to the populace affected.
Seismic and volcanic hazards threatened development, but production wells were sunk and the power plant built.
The other two-thirds are vulnerable to volcanic hazard.
These volcanic hazards become more serious as the Lower Mainland grows in population.
As land development expands toward areas of relatively high volcanic hazard, the threat to life and property on Hawai'i will increase accordingly.
It is regarded as extinct and has not been assessed for volcanic hazards.
Its remote uninhabited location makes volcanic hazards less extreme and is therefore not very hazardous.
On May 27, 1982, Federal geologists issued a notice of potential volcanic hazard, the lowest alert level in the system then used.