He continued up the volcanic slope, walking fast, knowing that Schneider had already cleared the ridge and would be descending the other side.
I couldn't keep from forecasting the number of accidents we might expect over the next two months of medieval steps and volcanic slopes.
Geologists haven't witnessed enough volcanic slope collapses to form a timetable.
The plant's preferred habitat is on shrub-covered, rocky, volcanic slopes.
The Juan Fernandez race is found on the islands' volcanic slopes and barren grazed grasslands at all elevations.
Archaeological evidence shows that in these drier regions, the crops were grown on a portion of volcanic slopes where conditions were right.
Minnela: Rarely-seen white grape variety indigenous to and cultivated on the volcanic slopes of Etna.
The fern occurs in wet mountain forests on volcanic slopes.
He also sent back Styrax obassia, which was common on the volcanic slopes of the north island.
The commune lies on steep volcanic slopes which descend abruptly to the sea.