The voltage signal shown is thus a larger version of the input, but has been changed in sign (inverted) by the amplification.
In the early 20th century systems were developed where all the motors on a train could be controlled by a low voltage signal from any cab.
A slow heart rate with ECG changes including low voltage signals.
The telephone transmitter converts the sounds into an electrical voltage signal.
A minute alternating current is applied across the outer two electrodes, and voltage signals are recorded by the inner electrodes.
The current signal drives the electrodynamic speaker more accurately, causing less distortion than a voltage signal.
It receives low voltage signals from the throttle, which is attached to the right handle bar.
The operation it carries out is similar to the barometer but the voltage signal sent to the microprocessor depends on the temperature measured.
There are a variety of methods being used to record these voltage signals.
In some cases, this sensor works by outputting a regular varying voltage signal.