For the day, 423 Amex issues rose and 284 declined, while volume climbed to 19.9 million shares, from 17.6 million on Wednesday.
In the first six months of 2001, they found eight million marks and the volumes are climbing.
Its volume of real estate lending climbed at roughly the same rate.
Mannesmann customers already tap out 100 million messages a month, and the volume is climbing 20 percent a month.
But volume on the Big Board climbed to 192.3 million shares, from 162.1 million on Tuesday.
Globex's volume has been climbing, but even at the peak, just 124,123 contracts were traded on March 2.
With the volume of mergers and acquisitions climbing ever higher, his is a common sentiment on Wall Street.
The average daily volume on both exchanges has been climbing for several weeks.
"We added staff, 12 in all, and our volume climbed to $1.5 million."
After-hours volume has climbed substantially since last fall.