I asked if the volume of calls which Childline gets indicates that today's young people cannot talk to their parents.
Any impurities will produce peaks, and the volume under the peak indicates the amount of the impurity.
The pitch and volume of her screams indicated he wasn't doing a very good job of it.
The increased volume of shouting in the farmhouse indicated the terminal nervousness in there.
The sound volume indicated detonations of heavy shells.
In a retrospective study, a total volume of metastatic disease of more than 100 cm3 indicated a particularly poor prognosis.
Janeway said, her volume indicating the question was open to all.
The high mass and great volume of HD 209458 b indicate that it is a gas giant.
But rising volume in options did indicate that speculation was growing by the time he made his investment.
"The moderate volume indicates a lack of real investor conviction."