Round this hypothesis a very voluminous literature has grown up.
In its voluminous literature, the organization thanks dozens of small businesses, corporations and individuals and various officials of Yonkers.
Unfortunately, Volkogonov is oblivious of the voluminous Western literature on Soviet history.
With religious figures, often the subjects of voluminous literature, separating "fact" from "belief" can be difficult if not impossible.
In a voluminous literature on the measurement of library use, two general surveys are essential reading.
On this soil sprang up the voluminous Judeo-Hellenic literature, of which but a few, though characteristic, specimens have descended to us.
Brokerage houses and banks typically distribute the voluminous literature that accompanies proxy fights to their clients, who make the voting decision.
The increasingly voluminous literature on Iran also indicates that the religious revolution may indeed survive.
In the case of asbestos for example, there has been a voluminous medical literature on its direct link with asbestosis, lung cancer, and mesothelioma.
In spite of the fact that landscape evaluation techniques only date from the mid-1960s a voluminous literature has evolved.