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This time, he stayed for three and a half years before deciding voluntarily to leave in January 1964.
In recent years, many private companies and local governments have voluntarily decided to offer benefits to domestic partners.
All nations must decide voluntarily to refrain from violence as the last means of politics.
Lovemaking, Will, is when two people voluntarily decide to give control over to the partner.
Industry did not voluntarily decide to stop producing toxic wastes.
Legal & General, which manages more than $147 billion in assets, voluntarily decided to stop lending shares this week.
In both instances, a person is voluntarily deciding with whom to associate, based on his/her own volition.
But any time an abortion clinic voluntarily decides not to do abortions, of course we're elated.
Voluntary liquidations occur when the company's members decide voluntarily to wind up the affairs of the company.
As a result amateur radio operators have voluntarily decided upon channelization for this mode.