And a state that voluntarily limits the terms of its representatives harms itself relative to others.
In 1990, Lawton Chiles was elected governor of Florida after voluntarily limiting his contributions to $100.
In 1997, the Center for Veterinary Medicine has asked pet food manufacturers to voluntarily limit ethoxyquin levels to 75 ppm until further evidence is reported.
The system gives taxpayers' money to candidates who voluntarily limit spending.
The United States politely insisted that the Japanese voluntarily limit the number of cars they ship to the American market.
When God created the world, he voluntarily limited himself and shared the weakness of human beings.
In exchange for immunity against many liability suits, the tobacco companies would pay $368.5 billion over 25 years and voluntarily limit their marketing practices.
Arizona voters approved a plan to give substantial public money to political candidates who voluntarily limit their spending and raise certain small contributions.
The larger reduction went to policyholders who agreed to voluntarily limit their ability to sue for pain and suffering from accidents.
The population has been recovering since 2003, with fishermen voluntarily limiting the catch to half the allowable to aid the revival.