Deaths have dropped sharply in recent years largely because the two sides voluntarily reduced the number of troops along the line.
Hospitals found it profitable to voluntarily reduce the length of stays.
But despite that, a few of these companies have joined with government agencies in programs aimed at voluntarily reducing greenhouse gas releases.
Under the agreement, the Bay states and the District committed to voluntarily reduce nitrogen loads by 40 percent from their 1985 levels.
In short, the prospect that society would voluntarily reduce consumption was dim.
However, if a customer's claim is for an amount higher than $350,000 the customer can voluntarily reduce it.
Officials with the project also hope that roadside businesses will voluntarily reduce the number and size of their signs.
Several companies will voluntarily reduce pollutants that cause "ozone smog" to levels below what the law requires.
Decreasing mortality (the number of fish that die) by voluntarily reducing harvest.
It is also hoped that the program, if pollution credits are eventually granted, will attract other companies to voluntarily reduce pollutants.