A distinction was made between voluntary and involuntary prostitution.
In a way, voluntary prostitution has its place, because it helps eliminate the minor-wife phenomenon.
The law makes no distinction between voluntary and forced prostitution.
Some attempt was made to distinguish between voluntary and involuntary prostitution.
In 1914, of the women arrested for crossing state borders under this act, 70% were charged with voluntary prostitution.
Adult and voluntary prostitution is legal, but pimping is prohibited.
However, the use of this term implies that there is an opposite, that is to say voluntary prostitution.
It is a bizarre distinction between voluntary and forced prostitution with which we are persisting in this House.
There is, however, no such thing as voluntary prostitution. Women do not choose prostitution; they are forced into it for one reason or another.
This expression conveys the idea that there is such a thing as voluntary prostitution among women who like to be exploited and to sell their bodies.