Influenzanet is a syndromic surveillance system based on voluntary reports of symptoms via the internet.
The data they used for establishing cause of death depend on voluntary reports, which are not always reliable.
Greenhouse gas data, voluntary report- ing, electric power plant emissions.
It has remained the dining-out bible of many a household, and the notion of voluntary, unpaid reports from the public was the inspiration for our Guide.
The department's figures are based on voluntary reports from 99 hospitals throughout the state.
Another flaw the editors cited is the system's reliance on voluntary reports from doctors, which means that most adverse effects probably go unreported.
(Currently, only about half of the treaty signatories actually submit these voluntary annual reports.)
Because that survey, by epidemiologists at Boston University's School of Public Health, relied on voluntary reports, experts believe the real number is higher.
In fact, the company has received more than 150,000 voluntary reports in the past two years (more than double the amount of previous records).
The system relies on doctors to make voluntary reports to drug companies about any adverse side effects they spot.