The development of the LiveJournal software has seen extensive volunteer involvement in the past.
Due to the growth of the museum, a need for increased fund-raising, and more volunteer involvement, a historical society was founded in 1987.
He said his department's volunteer involvement "could only graze the problem's surface" but could be an incentive to corporations, churches and other organizations to join the effort.
Requirements include: application form, high school transcript, 3.0 cumulative GPA, and a community service resume listing detailed volunteer involvement and leadership experience.
Encouraging volunteer involvement.
Alumni, especially those with past volunteer involvement, frequently return for the event.
The key is the extent of the experience, expertise and knowledge of the person responsible for volunteer involvement.
Harlem Academy relies on active volunteer involvement to maintain a robust after-school tutoring program and various guest teaching series.
Traditionally a very caring community, members of the Mount Mercy family serve the local community through extensive volunteer involvement in nonprofit organizations.
Most suburban councils are involved in bushcare to varying degrees, either by employing professional staff or facilitating volunteer involvement.