Artwell held its first exhibition in May of 1995 - in the Warner Studio Theater while volunteers prepared the present gallery - and 106 artists submitted work.
The volunteers prepared for battle but believed that peace was on the horizon after the release of prisoners from the failed Santa Fe Expedition.
The Internal Revenue Service sponsors four sites along King Drive where volunteers prepare returns for free.
The hungry can eat; there is a long list of churches where volunteers prepare food year-round for the less fortunate.
Thousands more oysters will be used in the oyster stews, fritters and fries that volunteers are preparing.
There, for 27 years, volunteers have prepared returns for members of actors' unions through the federal Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program.
Trained volunteers provide free tax information and prepare returns for taxpayers who are 60 years of age or older.
The volunteers immobilized him, put him onto a stretcher and prepared him for transport by a city Fire Department ambulance.
Nearby, Ed Billingsly, 49, who works at the city's water treatment plant, watched the volunteers prepare for the flood, although he said he was not too worried about it.
After an hour and a half in the 90 degree sun, the volunteers prepared to leave.