The livelihood of at least one-tenth of the world's human population can be affected by this voracious insect.
By the time the voracious insects were settled on the ground for the night, Ayla and Jondalar were camped far away.
She never saw the voracious insect that ate part of her foot.
The name is applied also to other voracious insects.
The smooth, characterless sheen of the sunglasses was like the gaze of an insect: emotionless, eager, voracious.
They came after the humans like voracious insects that had spotted fresh meat.
The locust, a voracious insect related to the grasshopper, often travels in large swarms, destroying all vegetation in its path.
The Asian longhorned beetle may be new to Central Park, where two maple trees infested by the voracious insect were recently discovered.
"They'd come in en masse," said Dr. Langmore, saying a hundred voracious insects might be found swarming a nest.
Throughout the metropolitan area, large numbers of egg masses are being reported, heralding the emergence of hordes of the voracious insects in May.