Christians are 1% in India according to the statistics but there is an estimated vote bank of 14%.
The 20% Dalit population in the state has always been a traditional vote bank of congress since the time of Independence.
Even though growing unpopularity, it has managed to maintain a large vote bank in deeper Sindh and South Punjab.
The national party soon started eating into the MGP's traditional vote bank.
This practice, called vote bank, is prolific throughout most regions of the country.
Gurjars form one of the major communities in Rajasthan, and are seen as a vote bank by political parties.
Farmers are a large vote bank and use their votes to resist reallocation of land for higher-income industrial projects.
Almost two decades have passed since Thakur died but his legacy and name still have considerable vote bank.
Moolia has very high vote bank that's why it seizes the attention of the politicians.
It has already cut severely into the traditional "vote banks" of the Congress Party.