If I were president: I Would begin by voting on big changes on our constitution.
At Conferences, members vote on changes to official AJ6 policy, to change the constitution and elect a new National Executive.
Mr. Blaustein works with a seven-member investment committee; it meets weekly to vote on possible changes to the 35 to 40 stocks in the portfolio.
In November 2009, European Parliament has voted on changes to the Telecoms Package.
Legislators met to decide whether to initiate an extraordinary session of Congress to vote on changes.
The differences climaxed in a session of 20 hours in which the delegates voted on changes in economic and political life and chose new leaders.
In September, the City Planning Commission will vote on proposed zoning changes that would make the dream possible.
As editor, he was democratic in some ways, asking members to vote on possible changes, like using metric units of measurement (the majority vote was no).
President De Klerk has granted Black South Africans the chance to vote on changes in government.
However, as a legislative authority it was not acceptable to Parliament that the Council alone was to vote and decide on possible changes.