This was a considerable decline from the 46 and 49 votes, respectively, received for the two previous petitions.
Mays had the previous record for most votes received, gaining 409 in 1979.
The vote took place on September 21, 2010, and failed, receiving 49% of the vote, with 60% needed for passage.
In 1998 the second edition was published by Virgin Books using the continuing votes received over the previous four years.
Most votes received by candidates for party presidential nomination, up to the point where a nominee was determined.
The spokesman for Green Point said that of the votes received so far, more than 75 percent supported the plan.
In 1920 Debs ran again, this time from prison, and received 913,693 votes, 3.4% of the total.
The ten projects receiving the most votes would each receive $50,000 grants.
In total the party received 44067 votes (5,02% of the votes in the state).
Of course, three votes did receive our approval.