Despite targeting Green voters to vote strategically for her, she was unsuccessful in her bid to unseat Kaye, losing by 717 votes.
The GreenLeft focused on this issue during its campaigns and sponsored ads which read: "Who votes strategically when the polar caps are melting?"
Marcel Dutil announced that even though he likes Dumont, he would vote strategically in favour of the Liberals.
Proponents for vote pairing respond that vote pairing doesn't involve any pecuniary or monetary exchange; rather, simply informal, nonbinding agreements between people to vote strategically.
She said she would tell independents and progressives to vote strategically.
However, Sarah bucked this trend when she voted strategically, sending Damien home.
Richard W. Pound, one of three I.O.C. members from Canada, said: "The Europeans voted strategically.
The nominators interviewed all said they voted their hearts ("I don't believe people should vote strategically," one said.
Contestants must vote strategically to stay in the game and eliminate another contestant by a majority vote.
However, tactical voting is sometimes a concern in non-partisan primaries as members of the opposite party can strategically vote for the weaker candidate in order to face an easier general election.