Such an error could result from incorrect election parameters, or an error in the vote tabulation in reporting software of the voting system.
Parallel vote tabulation is similar to quick count, but uses whole data instead of samples.
The law permits a full hand recount if there is "an error in the vote tabulation which could affect the outcome of the election."
Although no clear outcome was gained in that election, the parallel vote tabulation played a significant role in preventing outright electoral fraud.
We conclude that the Division's advisory opinion regarding vote tabulation is contrary to law because it contravenes the plain meaning of section 102.166(5).
The issue in dispute here is the meaning of the phrase "error in the vote tabulation" found in section 102.166(5).
With all-electronic vote tabulation, he said, "it's all entirely within the computer.
In the meanwhile, she said, vote tabulation must cease.
We resent the obvious ineptness in Florida's vote tabulation.
The system had been carefully honed to achieve balance over the centuries, but it made for complex vote tabulation.