Finally, Strategy Boot Camp gives women the ability to create a winning voter contact and field plan.
Rove says his work for the Bush campaign included direct mail, voter contact, phone banks, computer services, and travel expenses.
Winning candidates will have grass-roots campaigns that emphasize voter contact rather than expensive media blitzes.
"We believe electronic word-of-mouth is the best form of voter contact," Mr. Purpuro said.
But intensive voter contact and turnout are exactly what the Republicans believe they do best.
They have to try to buy that kind of voter contact.
The most fertile area for innovation has been "voter contact," which, because of advances in computer-targetting technology, is now the keystone of modern campaigning.
His campaign in terms of voter contact is very minimal.
McGovern spent the following years rebuilding and revitalizing the party, building up a large list of voter contacts via frequent travel around the state.
Each staff member or volunteer typically engages at least 20 voter contacts, identifies 15 supporters, and recruits 3 volunteers per day.