If the Princeton economists are correct, Mr. Florio may have the budget problems in New York and Connecticut to thank for the softening of voter outrage.
Such a display of voter outrage, especially in an election and reapportionment year already fraught with anti-incumbent sentiment, has clearly shaken many Republicans.
But as lawmakers try to cope with voter outrage, one of the more telling episodes is playing out here.
Candor on war crimes always came grudgingly from the Liberal Democratic Party, now dethroned by voter outrage over financial corruption and sordid backroom deals.
Many Democrats felt that he would ultimately have to capitulate and restore many of the cuts as voter outrage grew.
In the mid-90's, Gov. Pete Wilson reacted to voter outrage by forcing through legislation that mandated smaller class sizes without building more schools or increasing the teacher supply.
David Shuster said "That sounded half-assed to members of Congress who were both channeling and deflecting voter outrage."
What Voter Outrage The vaunted voter outrage is barely blipping in terms of the money flow on the center's screens.
For the ad to work, it has to pack a punch, incite voter outrage, and be credible even in the face of an opposition rebuttal.