A 1984 law required the city to shelter all in need; last fall the voters repealed it.
In Missouri, voters repealed the state's loss limit, which had capped players' purchases of table game chips and slot machine credits at $500 every two hours.
Its leaders now admit that there is no way to persuade the voters to repeal their decision.
In Washington D.C., voters repealed the right to shelter.
In 1989, voters narrowly repealed domestic partner recognition.
By nearly 2 to 1, voters here have repealed a policy providing health insurance benefits to the live-in partners of homosexual and other unmarried city employees.
On November 3, 2009, voters repealed IRV.
In 2011, voters repealed the liquor ban; however, liquor sales in the township will be restricted to the Moorestown Mall.
On Tuesday, voters repealed that law, 88,218 to 33,196, according to final unofficial totals released in Bismarck.
In 1966, voters repealed this blanket probation, allowing up to 25 percent of pension assets to be invested in stocks of companies that pay regular dividends.