If Bosnia's voters freely return ethnic fanatics to office, that is their choice.
Last week, as voters in Liberia returned to the polls, the slogan for the front-runner had changed.
The voters of Ward 3 returned her to the Council three times, in 2002 with nearly 80 percent of the vote.
In response, Indian voters last spring returned him to office and gave his party its best showing in nearly two decades.
Of the remaining 259,000 eligible voters in that group, only 100,000 returned to vote.
Canadian voters would return to the issue of free trade 20 years later during the 1911 federal election.
"Disgruntled voters and supporters who had given up on Pasok are already returning back."
In 66 constituencies where no candidate had obtained the required majority voters returned to the polls on 24 October 2004.
In 1952, voters returned Ibáñez to office for another 6 years.
He continued to serve as adjutant general until 1817, when the voters returned him to the state House of Representatives.