In the long run, he argues, voters will reward strong leadership.
They also said that voters ultimately could not reward a Governor who raised their taxes by $2.8 billion.
The voters of Boothby rewarded this selflessness with his election.
Negative campaigning has been around since the beginning of our democracy, and voters reward it.
We know what his strategy is: Sit tight, focus on the economy and hope that the voters reward you for your diligence.
Further on, you urge voters to "reward" the effort of those lawmakers "already fighting for reform."
But will voters always reward state candidates for a sound economy?
And the voters rewarded their negativity by turning out in droves.
Feeling no pain, the voters for years rewarded him at the polls.
But they know, too, that voters don't reward past success so much as they weigh the chances of future fulfillment.