In Dodgson's method, each voter submits an ordered list of all candidates according to their own preference (from best to worst).
This typically results in the voters' having their votes discarded or submitted through the use of provisional ballots requiring further registration confirmation.
This process begins when qualified voters (electors) submit a petition outlining the proposed amendment to the Secretary of State.
But they sent the letter after most, if not all, voters, had submitted their ballots.
Those two voters then submitted their votes by mail.
Once the voters have submitted their votes, each authority k computes and announces the sum A of all the values he's received.
Among other things, these acts required candidates and prospective voters to submit to an anti-polygamy oath.
The MBC thus encourages voters to submit a fully marked ballot.
Nonetheless, 3.3 million voters submitted 'invalid' ballots to protest against the regime.
It says that if a voter submits more than one ballot, the first stands.