One of the voter surveys estimated turnout at about 65 percent, but actual figures will not be available until Monday.
In voter surveys, about as many adults call themselves conservative as liberal.
A12 The networks will use identical voter surveys to make projections.
Hillary Clinton has a 50% disapproval rating by a general voter survey.
More could be raised through a bond issue, but voter surveys show little support for public financing of racetracks.
While polls sometimes are referred to as voter surveys, nobody knows for sure who among the people surveyed actually is going to vote.
The table, based on the voter surveys, shows how 115 demographic groups voted for House candidates this year and in the past nine elections.
Democrats favored the idea by 56 percent to 44 percent, according to voter surveys.
The two scholars support their claim with an extensive survey of election returns and voter surveys.
Religion and political views go hand in hand here, voter surveys show.