In the House, an electronic voting device is typically used to take recorded votes, although occasionally roll calls take place.
But most of the modern touch-screen voting devices, which resemble automated teller machines, cannot.
They can also be polled by electronic means using individual voting devices with buttons for each option.
Pop Idol used the red button as a voting device.
Such records in electronic voting devices would obviously violate the secrecy of the ballot.
In Edison's vote-recorder, a voting device was connected to the clerk's desk.
There will also be one thousand electronic voting devices that don't require a paper ballot sheet.
I also wanted to vote against Amendment 24 but had the impression that the voting device was not working.
We now have a new voting device and perhaps this can be programmed to display the results for at least ten seconds.
"If we are going to go into high-tech, we could also have electronic voting devices."