Tears stood in her eyes, unshed but shimmering like the votive light in the red glass candleholders.
The votive lights winked and flickered, illuminating the white sails in a beautiful way as the boat moved out toward the center of the river.
On each table is a single blue votive light, a pile of salt in a dish, a wooden pepper grinder.
The sanctuaries would have "votive lights" suspended from the ceilings, one light for each person killed in the terrorist attack, over a reflecting pool.
This is primarily an attack on votive lights, and does not necessarily exclude their ceremonial use in other ways.
Just beyond the miniatures was an oversized niche containing a Madonna and two small votive lights in amber glass.
This serves to distinguish this light from other votive lights within the church.
He knew what she would need, votive lights and petitions and the like.
He shoves a few of the votive lights aside, adding: "It happens all the time.
The candles they had planned to light Monday night to celebrate their common birthday instead were replaced by a solitary votive light.