He vows, upon his return to England, to become a farmer and lead a life of happy domesticity.
He vows a charge upon the two "party elite" nominees.
Turnbull's son was one of those slaughtered, and Turnbull vowed his vengeance upon Jonah.
Still, that's enough to have party leaders apoplectic and vowing political vengeance upon the mavericks.
His vanity wounded, he throws a fit and destroys the portrait, vowing vengeance upon the duchess.
This enraged the Romulans, who vowed revenge upon humanity.
She vowed a terrible vengeance upon me and now it has come.
Full of rage, he vows revenge upon the mother and son.
With his last act, Conley is said to have vowed revenge upon the county forever.
A true knight would never have asked, but would have vowed upon the instant.