"Nurse Pennyfeather, I don't care for vulgar remarks such as that."
Also that day, in the minutes before the game, a Redskins announcer yelled a vulgar remark about Ravens fans over the public-address system.
After a 68-67 overtime loss to Greece in the EuroBasket 2007 Miličić made vulgar remarks in his native language about the referees and their families in front of Serbian media.
This gives Jordan the opportunity to make vulgar sexual remarks and gestures and gives Julie the chance to threaten castration.
Mr. Winther said he had been offended by "loud, disparaging, vulgar remarks regarding resource development in Alaska, with particular emphasis on the inadequacies of the Alaska Congressional delegation."
The vulgar and incomprehensible remarks you made against the women who choose the stage as their profession were harsh indeed--and decidedly unjust.
After the boards displayed a score of 9.8, the audience began to whistle, jeer, stamp their feet, and shout vulgar remarks at the judges in disapproval, believing her score to be too low.
Boca Raton eventually disciplined the two men, whose actions - vulgar and demeaning remarks and unwanted touching over five years - are not in dispute.
With less than ordinary looks, she is a not only laughing stock for the shopkeepers with whom she has to deal but also is an easy target of their vulgar remarks and advances.
The Kiss FM staff also had to promise not to make sexist, discriminatory, and vulgar remarks on air.