I said, "It's vulgarly known as a Mickey Finn.
Then: 'Let us examine the role of Laura in Il Truccatore "The Master of Disguise", also sometimes vulgarly known as "The Man with a Thousand Faces"...'
A letter to Robert Nichols indicates that at this time he was "tamper[ing] ... with the science vulgarly known as Black Magic".
One of the updatings of the old theory of faith healing or the laying on of hands, as It's vulgarly known, is that some people are able, by concentrating their own energies, to effect a change in the electromagnetic fields of others.
The first is a "marketing associate," vulgarly known as a booth babe, who wears red short shorts and smiles at you from a nearby video game booth.
Older females (vulgarly known as khoontzes), in turn, lie in wait, compelling kitchets to act as lures for unwary young males.
The Market, the lake of Acqua Vergine, and the Palazzo Pamfili in the Circus Agonale, known vulgarly as Piazza Navona (1811)
THE BIG FOUR 185 the thing was not so much a plot as what is vulgarly known as a "plant."
This is what is vulgarly known as having God sit in your lap; a murderer who needs that much help from Providence must be in the wrong business.
He was a slow, gloomy man, vulgarly known as Sunny Sam, though his proper name was Fabricius Cunctator.