Working alongside development agencies, women and men are recruited from the most vulnerable households and trained in the fundamental skills of demining.
For example, this includes vulnerable and low-income households and those living in harder to treat properties, such as solid walled properties.
Transitional arrangements would allow the government to reduce the level of LHA being paid, while seeking to protect the most vulnerable households.
The main objective of these programs is to increase poor and vulnerable households' real income.
Keep a check on vulnerable households and provide advice to members about dealing with callers at the door.
There is also a renewed drive to ensure that more vulnerable households receive support.
This had a devastating impact on household incomes, especially on vulnerable or widow-headed households, which were common in Afghanistan.
In 1999, FAO joined the international relief operation by introducing a programme to improve nutrition standards among the most vulnerable households.
The ECO is specifically designed to support the poorest and most vulnerable households, as well as those in properties which are difficult to improve.
It also noted that the most "vulnerable" households were concentrated in a few banks.