He had a long, vulpine face, and his skin looked mottled.
Mallay, his vulpine face alight with eager malice, laid a clutching hand on Mowbray's wrist.
Then, temporarily, his vulpine face showed avaricious hope, and then apprehension.
On the contrary, she was one of the most predatory-looking women that Duran had ever seen, having a long, vulpine face and sharp yellow canines.
The woman had a thin vulpine face with a sharp nose.
There: the tall bald man with the vulpine yellow-skinned face and drooping eyelids: that was Imboden, the major domo.
Those vulpine faces, with the distended nostrils and the bared teeth!
The skin of his lean, almost vulpine face appeared to have been scoured rough and red from a life among the elements.
That smile looked odd on the honey-haired woman's vulpine face; she had the reputation of a termagant.
Worse, from the smile painted onto his vulpine face, he seemed to think he was succeeding.