Nearly every week I tried a wacky new high-concept approach to shopping.
An apt description for his wacky decorating approach as well.
Otterson's work has been described as "an aesthetic of excess that combines debased elements of interior design, motifs from rock culture, and a wonderfully wacky approach to comfort."
A wacky approach to entertaining from the actress and playwright.
The actress's wacky approach to entertaining.
Rist is unafraid of taking wacky approaches to challenging issues and she delivers her message with jolts of pure joy.
Adler, Kelly, Kern, and Mann also starred in musical short subjects, first for Paramount Pictures in 1929-30, then for Vitaphone in 1936 (with titles emphasizing their wacky approach: Dough-Nuts, The Vodka Boatmen, etc.).
The later ads are slightly more hopeful, but the overriding tone, which one Sega exec calls "this sort of wacky hara-kiri approach," stays similar.
The Master Baker had a wacky, non-traditional approach to decorating and it was great to get my foot in the door there.