Her sister, Zeyneb, 11 months, waddled back and forth.
When we first arrived, Harry waddled forth to greet us, squawking-and stopped dead in his tracks when Pixel got off the bus.
And now he watched ducks, destined to be somebody's dinner, waddle back and forth in the window of a Chinese grocery.
It was dusty and tattered and, like an old woman arranging her robe, it moved its wings and waddled back and forth as it settled down.
In a slow and dignified manner, he waddled back and forth just as though the entire pursuit were a matter of complete indifference.
Then waddled forth Pag, holding a red spear in his hand, who said: "Listen!
He waddled back and forth between the body of the girl and that of his vanquished foe.
Scarcely were the two men gone when Zulio stuffed the coin into a satchel and waddled forth to Crystal Street by himself.
He waddled back and forth by the wooded border of the lawn; he was pacing nervously, as if afraid to be alone.
And geese; there were geese waddling back and forth in a flock of about twenty, honking and digging bugs and whatnot from the lawns.