Pilots agree to discuss a second round of wage and benefit cuts.
That could delay the imposition of wage and benefit cuts.
US Airways has already reached a deal with its pilots' union on $300 million a year in wage and benefit cuts.
In return for the wage and benefit cuts, the company agreed to establish a profit-sharing plan.
The airline's last offer to the union called for $176 million in wage and benefit cuts, including the elimination of 2,000 jobs.
The airline had demanded $176 million in wage and benefit cuts, including the elimination of 2,000 jobs.
The company is asking for wage and benefit cuts of $295 million a year from the pilots, who are proposing smaller reductions.
The wage and benefit cuts would be the third by union members in two years.
Last week, senior management met with union leaders to begin discussions on a third set of wage and benefit cuts, which unions are resisting.
The mechanics' union went on strike Aug. 20 over a demand for $176 million in wage and benefit cuts.