Proposals for minimum wage regulations also came under attack.
Ten days later, Feinsinger announced that a wage regulation rewrite would be undertaken as quickly as possible.
The Truck Acts were the earliest wage regulations, requiring workment to be paid in money, and not kind.
Both would agree, that if its aim is to improve the living standards of society, wage regulation defeats itself.
Their efforts resulted in wage regulation via the Factory Act of 1896.
When wage regulation was squarely contested, the Court seesawed.
He said the government would insist that companies "strictly obey minimum wage regulations," which are routinely ignored, even by some prominent foreign companies.
Some city agencies, trying to keep down construction costs, have been lax for years about enforcing the wage regulations, many union leaders and municipal officials said.
Statutory minimum wage regulation was first introduced in the Australian state of Victoria in 1894.
Thirdly, we must have not only sensible, generally binding minimum wage regulations, but also equal employment rights.