By now she has become a cult figure, expected to show off her Pre- Raphaelite face and waist-long hair in combination with a robust figure.
When I looked at it, I could almost see my 13-year-old self inside, waist-long hair, open heart, a belief that something really wonderful was about to happen at any moment.
She had waist-long black hair and a face with a mysterious, almost cabalic beauty.
A waterskin hung under his arm on a leather strap, and ropes of dried seaweed were braided through his waist-long black hair and untrimmed beard.
"Heh, heh,"said the eldest of the Lefevre Brothers, a gamin of a guy with waist-long hair and a permanent grin.
Despite a face too young for her waist-long white hair, Amys was an important woman, second among the Wise Ones to Sorilea.
She wore a loose-fitting white dress, strings of multicolored beads, and her waist-long hair flew as she swung around and around.
She sensed a difference, though, and impatiently brushed her waist-long black hair away from her face to examine her bright blue eyes.
Her waist-long hair had the color and scent of meadow buttercups.
There were hints of red in her waist-long yellow hair, but not a touch of gray.