He just held on to her, waiting for Pam's judgment.
When she finished, to wait for his judgment, there were tears welling up in her eyes.
Kimi held an ax on his shoulder, waiting for Malink's judgment.
Sean pretended to consider it, and Alphonso waited apprehensively for his judgment.
When he had finished he sat looking at her, as though waiting for her judgment, and his sentence.
"Then it may be I shall not wait for your judgment!"
- 19 - The man waited for his judgment, eyeing the guinea held so firmly in the young man's white teeth.
Finally, after a couple of minutes, he just stood there, head down in shame, silently waiting for his judgment.
Americans are going to have to wait for the Senate's judgment on this crucial question until after the election.
I have not made a decision and I am going to wait for her judgment on it.