This morning he could barely think about painting, so full of conflicting feelings was he in the wake of Dolly's announcement.
And now, in the wake of Tommy Bender's latest announcement, it was starting to look awfully appealing.
There was little hint that anything had changed in the wake of Fassel's announcement Wednesday that he would step down as coach at season's end.
He repeated that promise today in the wake of Mr. Bradley's announcement.
In the wake of Picard's announcement, glances were exchanged.
Trudeau had ruled out a bid but reconsidered in the wake of Bob Rae's announcement that he was not running.
In the wake of Salomon's announcement, many firms said they had received inquiries about the strength of their commitment to the municipal securities business.
In the wake of his announcement that he won't be seeking a fourth term, Governor Pataki still has a little more than 16 months to serve.
(He has refused all comment in the wake of the festival's announcement.)
The album ended up unreleased in the wake of Yauch's announcement that he had cancer.