By his own account he spends his first waking minutes each morning in bed mentally rehearsing the likely issues of the day.
Every waking minute, every free moment, you will spend studying the missions and the scenarios faced in each one.
Every waking minute her mind was occupied with plans for escape, yet not one presented itself which did not offer insuperable obstacles.
You couldn't live in barracks, looking at the same faces every waking minute, without wanting to empty a gun into one of them just to make a change.
Every college professor and parent knows that students rarely check e-mail and are glued to their phones every waking minute.
Every waking minute of these nerve-shocked men was filled with activity-usually outdoor activity, such as fishing, hunting, playing ball, golf, taking pictures, making gardens, and dancing.
Or that he shouts "biscuit" 16 times every waking minute of the day, as I do?
Every waking minute is spent either writing, or thinking about this new film (usually on my bike whizzing along the beach path).
So, we will spend every waking minute working on this.
Every waking minute of every day, every time you look at something, every time you use your eyes.