How many college coaches sign an extension and walk away from the deal 20 minutes later?
He remains free, as ever, to walk away from the deal.
If not, he has until 9 o'clock the night before the final game to walk away from the deal and return to his normal life.
If the issue is not resolved by April 15, either side can walk away from the deal.
As a result of his company's findings, he said, the buyer walked away from the deal.
A series of bad reports and Gorsline said he would walk away from the deal.
Try to act as though you can readily walk away from the deal - or the job.
"So you want to make sure the buyer has the right to walk away from the deal if there are any serious problems."
But neither side has the political will to walk away from the deal.
Geneva walked away from the deal, leaving $45 million on the table.