The walls of the shaft afforded no spot from which he could thrust a pistoled hand while his form remained in safety.
There was no air-conditioning, and the thin walls afforded only minimal protection from the elements.
Two walls of glass windows afford a panoramic view to the southwest.
The thick walls afforded some sense of protection from the unknown horror that lurked beyond the light.
He retraced his steps to the place where the transparent wall afforded immediate access to the garden.
A wall of windows affords beautiful views through tall eucalyptus and across vineyards to the distant hills.
Some of the envoys say they think the embassy's high walls and guards afford them a measure of safety that those outside lack.
With the darkness that the wall afforded, his only policy was to remain where he was.
To your care, kind kinsman, I intrust them, satisfied that they will want no hospitality which these sad walls can yet afford.
He admired her long arms, the way her feet dug into what purchase the wall would afford.